Contractor reset: the St Petersburg government demands half a billion from a tram supplier / Commentary / Delovoy Peterburg

St Petersburg’s City Transport Committee, known by the abbreviation Komtrans , is seeking to recover almost 500 million rubles from Elektrotransport LLC for violating a state contract. The Commercial (‘Arbitration’) Court of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region has scheduled for April its consideration of a claim from Komtrans for 468.9 million rubles against Moscow-based Elektrotransport LLC. The debt was formed as a result of a breach by the contractor of guarantee obligations provided for by a state contract for the supply to the State Unitary Enterprise “Gorelectrotrans” of 19 trams for 895.2 million rubles. This contract was concluded in 2016 between the Komtrans and LLC “Elektrotransport”.

Andrew Bezhan, Ph.D. in Law, and Counsel in the Dispute Resolution Practice at Nordic Star, has given his forecast to “Delovoy Peterburg” newspaper about the likelihood of Komtrans receiving the debt, and about the prospects for applying bankruptcy instruments in the current situation.

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