
Corporate Advisory & Compliance


The specialists in the Corporate Advisory & Compliance at Nordic Star Law Offices are well versed in advising owners and the senior management of companies.

Areas of Expertise

  • Reviewing and drafting internal corporate regulations, codes of corporate conduct, etc.
  • Advising on matters related to corporate governance and conflicts of interest
  • Advising on share/option incentive schemes for employees
  • Advising on transactions with related parties
  • Preparing for and holding ordinary and extraordinary meetings of shareholders and members
  • Advising on restructurings, insolvency and bankruptcy
  • Identifying the actual beneficial owners of assets, projects and companies (including conducting procedures equivalent to KYC (Know Your Client) that are performed by financial institutions, lawyers and auditors)

Recent Cases

  • Assisting the European leader in textile services, with the establishment, launch and development of its Russian operations, including preparation of all corporate documentation, commercial contracts and advice on corporate compliance in Russia
  • Advising Fresenius with respect to sanctions issues and developed recommendations as to how sanctions risks could be mitigated
  • Advising a major German producer of gas turbines and other power generation equipment on compliance and sanctions regulation


  • Energy and natural resources. Advising leaders in the energy industry. Federal rating (Band 2: 2022)
  • Production and industry. Advising industry leaders. Federal ranking (Band 1: 2023)
  • Retail and trade, FMCG. Advising industry leaders. Federal ranking (Band 2: 2023)
  • Agriculture. Advising industry leaders. Federal ranking (Band 2: 2023)
  • Transport and logistics. Advising industry leaders. Federal ranking (Band 3: 2023)

Additional information

Andrei Gusev
Senior Partner, Attorney-at-Law
+7 921 938 29 90, +34 695 043 424, +376 692 1714
St. Petersburg, Barcelona, Almaty
Artem Zhavoronkov
Partner, Attorney-at-Law
+7 921 905 47 66
St. Petersburg