We are delighted to announce that Andrei Gusev has been appointed as Co-Vice Chair of the Compliance Subcommittee of International Bar Association (IBA) Anti-Corruption Committee

For the past several years, Andrei Gusev has held the position of an Officer on the IBA Anti-Corruption Committee and this year he has been appointed as Co-Vice Chair of the Compliance Subcommittee. We wish best of luck for success to Andrei in his tenure in the new position!

A brief reference text about Anti-Corruption Committee:

The Anti-Corruption Committee provides an international forum for private and public-sector practitioners to meet and discuss anti-corruption laws, compliance practices, enforcement trends and asset recovery issues. It facilitates the sharing of best practice and the regular communication of legal and other developments, including new legislation, case-law, prosecution guidance and government policy, as well as developments in civil society, the private sector and international organisations. Committee members have the opportunity to assist one another in understanding transnational corruption, share domestic legal expertise and extend their professional experience internationally.

The committee’s regular conferences and newsletters allow members to stay abreast of developments in this fast-moving area and to form a better understanding of anti-corruption standards and practices in different countries.

More about the IBA Anti-Corruption Committee

Andrei Gusev
Senior Partner, Attorney-at-Law

+7 921 938 29 90, +34 695 043 424, +376 692 1714
St. Petersburg, Barcelona, Almaty