New rules for processing biometric personal data: what you need to know / Article / “Akcionernoye obschestvo” magazine

In December 2022, Federal Law No. 572 came into force, which regulates the authentication of persons using biometric personal data. The requirements of this law are relevant for organizations that identify their clients or employees using biometrics.

During 2023, by-laws were created and amended to clarify the requirements of the law. So that you do not become confused among the innovations, we offer an overview of the changes related to the Unified Biometric System (UBS) and biometric processing, where we will consider the following issues:

  • definitions of biometric data and the Unified Biometric System;
  • requirements for operators in terms of transferring biometrics to the UBS;
  • consent to the transfer of data to and processing of data in the UBS;
  • methods of obtaining consent to place and process biometrics in the UBS;
  • how to refuse to transfer data to the UBS/delete personal data from the UBS;
  • liability for violations;
  • prospects and risks of using the UBS.

Vera Zotova, a Senior Associate in the Intellectual Property and Information Technologies Practice at Nordic Star Law Offices, and Olga Nechaeva, a Junior Associate, have prepared an article for the magazine “Akcionernoye obschestvo”, in which they have analyzed the new rules for processing biometric personal data.

You can view the material here

Vera Zotova
Senior Associate, PhD in Law

+7 931 210 50 03
St. Petersburg

Olga Nechaeva

+7 921 639 65 71
St. Petersburg