In what cases do you have to pay for “free software”? / Article / RBC.Pro

More than 95% of all computer programs in the world are, on average, 70% “free software” – pieces of code that are open for use. But the rights of the authors of these pieces are protected by licenses, and not all of them are free, lawyers from the Intellectual Property and Information Technologies practice of Nordic Star Law Offices warn in their material.

We suggest you find out what types of licenses related to free software exist and how to find them out in the article by Vera Zotova and Olga Nechaeva, for RBC.PRO (available by subscription).

Vera Zotova
Senior Associate, PhD in Law

+7 931 210 50 03
St. Petersburg

Olga Nechaeva

+7 921 639 65 71
St. Petersburg