French company Sanofi has lost its dispute with the Ministry of Health and St. Petersburg company “Geropharm” / Comment / Delovoy Petersburg

The Moscow Commercial (‘Arbitration’) Court has refused to satisfy the application of the French pharmaceutical company Sanofi to protect the exclusive right to an invention under Russian Federation patent No. 2564104 (long-acting insulin compositions). The defendants were the Russian Ministry of Health and Geropharm LLC, a St. Petersburg pharmaceutical company.

Olga Nechaeva, a Junior Associate in the Intellectual Property and Information Technology Practice at Nordic Star, believes that the chances of a successful outcome of the case are quite low. In her opinion, the decision on the dispute between Sanofi and Geropharm sends a signal to manufacturers of similar medicines about the possibility of entering the EAEU market, which may allow them to partially compensate for the “blocking” of such sales in Russia owing to the patent of the French company.

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Olga Nechaeva

+7 921 639 65 71
St. Petersburg