Bank fraudsters have reached the presidential elections / Commentary / Nezavisimaya Gazeta

Fraudsters have tested out a new reason for carrying out criminal schemes – presidential elections. The main target of the attackers is personal accounts on the Gosuslugi portal and bank card data, Roskachestvo warned. Telephone and cyber frauds have become a serious challenge for the country. A wave of dubious calls, messages and letters, even if a person knows how to filter them, undermines trust – in banks and law enforcement agencies, as well as in any government system.

Anna Zabrotskaya, a Partner, Head of the Dispute Resolution Practice at Nordic Star Law Offices, noted that bank fraud creates serious problems for the legal and economic landscape of any country, and Russia is no exception. The banks themselves pay insufficient attention to both the safety of personal data, which may leak due to the fault of, among others, specific unscrupulous employees, and to informing their clients about the risks and methods of protection from intruders.

To read the full article (in Russian)

Anna Zabrotskaya
Managing Partner in Russia, Attorney-at-Law

+7 921 951 39 18
St. Petersburg