Artificial intelligence in jurisprudence: trends, risks and prospects / Article / “Akcionernoye obschestvo” magazine

Nowadays, the words “artificial intelligence” and “neural networks” have become a part of everyday reality: the Lensa neural network is generating photos for social networks, fashion designers are creating collections using artificial intelligence, and chat bots are giving psychological advice. Gradually, artificial intelligence is beginning to apply in the field of jurisprudence – in searching for judicial practice, providing advice, and even participating in court hearings.

Vera Zotova, a Senior Associate, and Olga Nechaeva, a Junior Associate in the Intellectual Property and Information Technology Practice at Nordic Star, take a look in their article at the legal regulation of the use of artificial intelligence and the ways of applying it in the field of law.

To read the full article

Vera Zotova
Senior Associate, PhD in Law

+7 931 210 50 03
St. Petersburg

Olga Nechaeva

+7 921 639 65 71
St. Petersburg