Conference “New Challenges and Opportunities. How the legal market is going through big changes” / Russian Arbitration Association

On 6 October the Russian Arbitration Association hosted a conference in Moscow on the topic “New Challenges and Opportunities. How the legal market is going through big changes.” Participants discussed major changes on the legal services market, continuing the dialogue on the market’s transformation, ways to adapt, existing challenges, and law firms’ search for solutions. They talked about aspects of relocation and summed up the “year under sanctions” so far.

Anna Zabrotskaya, a Partner and Attorney-at-Law who heads the Dispute Resolution Practice at Nordic Star Law Offices, moderated and spoke at the first session of the conference on the topic “We have been cut off from the world: access to international expertise”. Artem Zhavoronkov, Partner and Attorney-at-Law at Nordic Star Law Offices, in the second session of the conference, presented an overview of the sanctions on Russia.

More about the event

Anna Zabrotskaya
Managing Partner in Russia, Attorney-at-Law

+7 921 951 39 18
St. Petersburg

Artem Zhavoronkov
Partner, Attorney-at-Law

+7 921 905 47 66
St. Petersburg