XV International Arbitration Conference / ICC Russia

On December 13, the XV International Arbitration Conference took place in Moscow, celebrating the 100th anniversary of the International Court of the ICC. Representatives of the International Chamber of Commerce in Russia met to discuss the results of the last century, to share innovations as well as their plans for the next year, to talk about current difficulties and to give practical advice to each other.

Anna Zabrotskaya, Partner and Head of the Dispute Resolution Practice at Nordic Star, took part in the conference as the moderator of the round table “Practical tools for effectively conducting arbitration proceedings on behalf of persons subject to sanctions” in the second part of the conference. During this session, she discussed with the participants the approaches of arbitration institutions to the administration of disputes with sanctioned persons, as well as existing tools for checking conflicts of interest, and other issues relating to the topic.

View the full conference program

Anna Zabrotskaya
Managing Partner in Russia, Attorney-at-Law

+7 921 951 39 18
St. Petersburg