The Policy of Containing Negativity / RAPSI

“It is no secret that Russia is the world leader in the number of sanctions imposed by the United States, Europe and several other countries. The restrictions are aimed at the gradual isolation of the Russian economy. Formally, the main goal is to change Russia’s foreign policy, in particular, to stop the special military operation in Ukraine. To do this, unfriendly countries use various tools”. 

Andrei Gusev, the Managing Partner at Nordic Star Law Offices and an expert at the Centre for Strategic Research, has given an interview to the Russian Legal Information Agency in which he discusses the possibility of Russia symmetrically opposing Western sanctions in both economic and legal paradigms.

Read the full article (in Russian)

Andrei Gusev
Senior Partner, Attorney-at-Law

+7 921 938 29 90, +34 695 043 424, +376 692 1714
St. Petersburg, Barcelona, Almaty