Strategic session of Wintershall Dea Russia

On October 20, Wintershall Dea Russia, a natural gas and crude oil exploration and production company in Russia, held a strategic session for the heads of its companies’ legal departments. St. Petersburg was chosen as the venue for the event as the company’s administrative headquarters are located there.

Artem Zhavoronkov, Partner and Attorney-at-Law, Anna Zabrotskaya, Partner, Attorney-at-Law and head of the Dispute Resolution practice, and Anton Borisyuk, Associate of the Transactions and Corporate Law practice, made presentations on current legal topics to attendees of the strategic session.

Anton Borisyuk told the audience about the Yan Tormysh case in the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the case’s consequences for corporate law in general. Artem Zhavoronkov spoke on the topic of “US and EU sanctions: main provisions and latest trends”, where he briefly described the current situation with sanctions against Russia. Anna Zabrotskaya, in her speech, considered the concept of force majeure and case studies of force majeure exempting parties from liability for failing to fulfil obligations.

Anna Zabrotskaya
Managing Partner in Russia, Attorney-at-Law

+7 921 951 39 18
St. Petersburg

Artem Zhavoronkov
Partner, Attorney-at-Law

+7 921 905 47 66
St. Petersburg

Anton Borisyuk

+7 921 593 68 90
St. Petersburg