Raiders Revive / Forbes Kazakhstan

“The new reality and life under sanctions have literally upended established and seemingly already traditional approaches to business in Russia. Russian business did not panic for too long as it weaned itself from feeling like part of the Western business community. Many people have a strong feeling that, like a real person, Russian business has gone through a whole range of emotions: it faltered, got scared, looked around, thought hard, got angry and, as the saying goes, ‘took the bit in its teeth’. It showed its character.”

In their column, the authors talk about a curious trend in today’s Russia: the activation of raiders. Andrei Gusev, the Managing Partner at Nordic Star Law Offices, and his colleague Andrew Bezhan, Counsel in the Dispute Resolution Practice at the Nordic Star Law Offices discuss how to counter a raider attack.

Read the full article (in Russian)

Andrei Gusev
Senior Partner, Attorney-at-Law

+7 921 938 29 90, +34 695 043 424, +376 692 1714
St. Petersburg, Barcelona, Almaty