“Pit Product” and “Cherkizovo” want to recover almost 2 billion rubles from the Omsk company / Comment / Business Petersburg

The Commercial (‘Arbitration’) Court of the Omsk Region has accepted for proceedings the claims of Pit-product LLC and Cherkizovsky Meat Processing Plant JSC against the Prodtekhnologii company for the recovery of 1.22 billion and 575 million rubles, respectively. Both claims were accepted by the court for proceedings, but the merits of the disputes have not yet been considered.

Olga Nechaeva, a Junior Associate in the Intellectual Property and Information Technology Practice at Nordic Star, notes that collecting compensation is usually more profitable and convenient for the copyright holder than collecting damages, since the amount of damages can be difficult to prove. Also, since “Starorusskie” brand products are not widely represented on the market, it may be arguable whether such significant compensation can be recovered.

To read the full article (in Russian)

Olga Nechaeva

+7 921 639 65 71
St. Petersburg