From October 28 to November 6, the St. Petersburg University team took part in the official rounds of the Foreign Direct Investment International Arbitration Moot (FDI Moot), the first and largest competition on foreign direct investment law and investment arbitration organized in the form of simulated arbitration proceedings (a moot court). This year’s case focused on contesting ICSID jurisdiction in relation to the res judicata principle, exhaustion of local remedies for filing an arbitration claim, a violation of the full protection and security standard in wartime, and the admissibility of moral damages in investment arbitration.
The St. Petersburg University team consisting of students Elizaveta Artyukhova, Anna Gavkalyuk, Anastasia Alexandrova and Ana Radoja took second place in the competition, outperforming 70 teams from all over the world. In addition, the team received an award for the best claimant’s memorial.
Alexander Poychenko, an Associate in the Transactions & Corporate Law Practice at Nordic Star, acted as one of the team’s coaches.
The SPbU team thanks the Nordic Star Law Offices for their support.