Nordic Star Law Offices Expands its Horizons: China Practice 北欧之星扩展业务范围:中华人民共和国

Nordic Star Law Offices announces the beginning of a partnership with Chinese colleagues as it launches a specialized practice in collaboration with YJD Consult. In the context of a dynamically developing market situation and current trends, this cooperation opens up new horizons for Nordic Star in providing legal services to clients from Russia and China.

We offer comprehensive legal support to Chinese companies operating in Russia and Russian companies entering the Chinese market. We facilitate transactions involving Russian and Chinese companies, as well as providing other legal services for Chinese and Russian businesses.

«In serving Chinese clients in Russia and Russian clients in China, Nordic Star will actively collaborate with leading law firms in China, ensuring high-quality services and a deep understanding of local specifics», comments Andrei Gusev, Managing Partner at Nordic Star. «We aim to provide our clients with access to the highly qualified legal services they need to carry out successful business operations across our vast countries».

You can learn more about the practice area by following the link.

北欧之星律师事务所宣布与中国同行建立合作伙伴关系,并与YJD Consult合作推出专门业务。鉴于动态发展的市场形势和当前趋势,此次合作为北欧之星向俄罗斯和中华人民共和国客户提供法律服务方面开辟了新的前景。.



北欧之星管理合伙人安德烈-古谢夫(Andrei Gusev)表示:»我们致力于确保我们的客户能够获得在我们这些大国成功开展业务所需的高素质法律服务。

Andrei Gusev
Senior Partner, Attorney-at-Law

+7 921 938 29 90, +34 695 043 424, +376 692 1714
St. Petersburg, Barcelona, Almaty