Nordic Star is effectively executing a project to deregister principals from military service when departing the Russian Federation for an extended duration

According to the legislation on military duty and military service in force in the Russian Federation, in order to ensure their military registration, citizens leaving the country for more than six months must visit the military commissariat where they are registered to be removed from the military register.

Until recently, citizens’ fulfillment of this obligation when leaving the Russian Federation was not fully implemented, and the military commissariats often did not exercise control over compliance with the rules of military registration.

Federal Law No. 127-FZ dated 14 April 2023 has substantially amended the legal regulation of current legislation on military duty and military service. This includes with regard to: enrollment in the military register; removal from the military register; the making of amendments to citizens’ documents of the military register that are required to be entered in the military register; and the electronic submission of notices that are implemented by entering data about them in the newly created unified electronic registry for military registration.

One of the new features of the amendments adopted by the legislature is the possibility of removing citizens who are obliged to be in the military register and amending military registration documents without citizens being present in person at the military commissariat.

Nordic Star Attorneys at Law have successfully implemented a number of projects for the remote deregistration of their principals who are citizens of the Russian Federation and who have previously left the country to work abroad, without their personal presence at the military commissariat.

Nordic Star adapts to fast-changing processes in Russia and throughout the world, expanding its competence to meet the increased demands of our clients. The firm is ready to provide services for remote deregistration when clients leave the Russian Federation for an extended period of time.

Andrei Gusev
Senior Partner, Attorney-at-Law

+7 921 938 29 90, +34 695 043 424, +376 692 1714
St. Petersburg, Barcelona, Almaty