Mergers and acquisitions hit parade / Comment /

M&A transactions have changed significantly in recent years. If 2022-2023 was marked by “sanctions, fear and speed”, 2024 has seen very different trends. Experts note that after the mass and rapid exodus of foreign owners, the market has finally come to its senses and is ready to delight with truly beautiful stories.

Anton Borisyuk, Counsel and head of the corporate practice at Nordic Star Law Offices, spoke in a new review for about large and significant transactions in the Russian M&A market over the past two years.

You can read more about the most creative, inventive and high-profile transactions of 2022-2024, which, according to market experts, gave new ideas to companies and inspired the entire legal market, on the official website of at the link.

Anton Borisyuk

+7 921 593 68 90
St. Petersburg