Foreign economic activities. How to increase non-resource exports / Conference / Balt2Media

Over two-thirds of income that increases the fiscal sustainability of the Russian Federation is provided by industries not related to the extraction of natural resources. One of the conditions for successful supplies is assistance for companies to enter export markets, and more specifically in promoting products.

September 28th people involved in foreign economic activities (business representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, financial institutions, representatives of government agencies involved in supporting business in St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region, as well as educational institutions) gathered to discuss the current agenda of market conditions, as well as rules and opportunities for Russian businesses when entering new export markets.

Anton Borisyuk, a Senior Associate in the Transactions & Corporate Law Practice at Nordic Star, spoke in the first part of the conference about a unique example from his practice – the creation of a holding company in South Africa and the transfer of an international business line under its control. Anton shared with the audience the features and difficulties of opening a company in that country.

More about the conference

Anton Borisyuk

+7 921 593 68 90
St. Petersburg