European Fashion and Luxury Law Conference / International Bar Association

A conference dedicated to the “European fashion industry and luxury goods” took place in Barcelona on 3 and 4 May. The event was attended by eminent representatives of the industry: creators, fashion designers, lawyers and top managers of fashion and luxury companies. It was organized by the IBA European Regional Forum, with the support of the IBA Closely Held Companies Committee, the IBA Corporate Counsel Forum and the IBA International Commerce and Distribution Committee. The attendees discussed issues facing the fashion industry, like new experience of market players in the Middle East, the role of an in-house legal department, including ESG strategies, the challenges of digitalization and the role of influencers.

Anna Zabrotskaya, Head of the Dispute Resolution Practice and Head of the Fashion & Lux Practice at Nordic Star Law Offices co-moderated the session: “Challenges of digitalization , including discussion about NFTs and metaverse”.

To read more about the conference

Anna Zabrotskaya
Managing Partner in Russia, Attorney-at-Law

+7 921 951 39 18
St. Petersburg