Effective Management of Intellectual Property / Vedomosti. Legal

Intangible assets have become increasingly more valuable in Russia in recent years. The media have called intellectual property the new oil. Young developing and already traditional sectors of the economy have attached ever more importance to IP management. The growth in intangible asset transactions has confirmed this market interest. Public attitudes have also been gradually transformed: instead of piracy and torrents, a culture of paid subscriptions had begun to take shape. That was before the well-known events. What awaits the institution of intellectual property now?

On 31 May 2022 Vedomosti held a conference at which representatives of the legal community, government and business discussed the challenges and tasks facing them.

Anna Zabrotskaya, a Partner, Attorney-at-Law and Head of the Dispute Resolution Practice, spoke on the liability of marketplaces for infringement of exclusive rights.

Speakers’ presentations and the conference report are available here